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CharacterRadical / StrokeTotal StrokesPinyinEnglish Def.CantoneseVariants

一 + 23shang4 top; superior, highest; go up, send upseung5 seung6 --

一 + 23xia4 under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring downha6 ha5 --

一 + 34bu4 no, not; un-; negative prefixbat1 fau2 --

一 + 45qie3 ju1 moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb)che2 jeung1 --

一 + 45shi4 generation; world; erasai3 --

一 + 78bing4 bang4 equal to; side by side; also, what is more; bothbing6 bong6 --

丿 + 34zhi1 's (marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase); it, him her, them; go toji1 --

乙 + 23ye3 also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identityya5 --

乙 + 1011gan1 qian2 dry; first hexagram; warming principle of the sun, penetrating and fertilizing, heavenly generative principle (male)gon1 kin4 --

亠 + 46jiao1 mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; delivergaau1 --

亠 + 68jing1 capital cityging1 --

人 + 24jin1 now, today, modern eragam1 --

人 + 35ta1 other, another; he, she, itta1 --

人 + 35ling4 ling2 ling3 command, order; "commandant", magistrate; allow, causelim1 ling6 --

人 + 35yi3 by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order toyi5 yu5 --

人 + 46qi3 plan a project; stand on tiptoekei5 --

人 + 46xiu1 rest, stop; retire; do not!yau1 --

人 + 57si4 ci4 serve, wait upon, attend; examineji6 --

人 + 57dan4 only; but, however, yet, stilldaan6 --

人 + 57wei4 throne; position, post; rank, status; seatwai2 wai6 --

人 + 57he2 he4 what, why, where, which, howho4 --

人 + 57zuo4 zuo1 zuo2 make; work; compose, write; act, performjok3 --


人 + 68shi3 shi4 cause, send on a mission, order; envoy, messenger, ambassadorsai2 si2 si3 --

人 + 68lai2 lai4 come, coming; return, returningloi4 --

人 + 79bao3 protect, safeguard, defend, carebou2 --

人 + 810ge4 ge3 numerary adjunct, piece; singlego3 --

人 + 810men5 adjunct pronoun indicate pluralmun4 --

儿 + 46xian1 first, former, previoussin1 --

儿 + 57ke4 gram; overcome; transliterationhak1 --

入 + 02ru4 enter, come in(to), joinyap6 --

入 + 24nei4 na4 inside, interior; domesticnoi6 --

入 + 46quan2 maintain, keep whole or intactchyun4 --

八 + 24gong1 fair, equitable; public; dukegung1 --

八 + 46gong4 gong1 together with, all, total; sharegung6 --

八 + 57bing1 soldier, troopsbing1 --

八 + 68qi2 ji1 his, her, its, their; thatkei4 --

八 + 68ju4 tool, implement; draw up, writegeui6 --

冂 + 46zai4 again, twice, re-joi3 --

刀 + 24fen1 fen4 divide; small unit of time etc.fan1 fan6 --

刀 + 46lie4 line; arrange in order, classifylit6 --

刀 + 68dao4 go to, arrive, been todou3 --

刀 + 79qian2 in front, forward; precedingchin4 --

勹 + 35bao1 wrap, pack, bundle; packagebaau1 --

匕 + 35bei3 bei4 north; northern; northwardbaak1 bak1 --

匸 + 911qu1 ou1 area, district, region, wardkeui1 --

十 + 79nan2 na1 south; southern part; southwardnaam4 --

又 + 24ji2 extend; reach; come up to; andkap6 --

又 + 68shou4 receive, accept, get; bear, standsau6 --

口 + 25gu3 old, classic, ancientgu2 --

口 + 25ling4 another, separate, otherling6 --

口 + 25ke3 ke4 may, can, -able; possiblyhak1 ho2 --

口 + 25tai2 yi2 tai1 platform; unit; term of addresstoi4Trad.: 臺

口 + 25si1 take charge of, control, manage; officersi1 --

口 + 36chi1 ji1 eat; drink; suffer, endure, bearhek3 --

口 + 36ge4 each, individually, every, allgo3 gok3 --

口 + 36he2 ge3 combine, unite, join; gatherhap6 --

口 + 36tong2 tong4 same, similar; together withtung4 --

口 + 36ming2 name, rank, title, positionming4 --

口 + 36li4 government official, magistratelei6 --

口 + 36xiang4 toward, direction, trendheung3 --

口 + 47fou3 pi3 not, no, negative; final particlefau2 --

口 + 47han2 hold in mouth; cherish; containham4 --

口 + 47gao4 tell, announce, inform; accusegou3 --

口 + 58ming4 life; destiny, fate, luck; ordermeng6 ming6 --

口 + 58he2 huo4 huo2 he4 harmony, peace; peaceful, calmwo4 --

口 + 710yuan2 yun4 member; personnel, staff memberyun4 --

口 + 811shang1 commerce, business, tradeseung1 --

口 + 811wen4 ask (about), inquire afterman6 --

口 + 912dan1 shan4 chan2 single, individual, only; lonedaan1 --

囗 + 36yin1 cause, reason; by; because (of)yan1 --

土 + 36zai4 be at, in, on; consist in, restjoi6 --

土 + 36di4 de5 earth; soil, ground; region; place; adjunct used to form adverbial phrasedei6 --

土 + 811ji1 foundation, basegei1 --

土 + 811tang2 hall; government officetong4 --

土 + 912bao4 report, tell, announcebou3 --

土 + 912chang2 chang3 open space, field, marketcheung4 --

夕 + 25wai4 out, outside, external; foreignngoi6 oi6 --

大 + 25yang1 center, conclude, run out; begyeung1 --

大 + 25shi1 lose; make mistake, neglectsat1 --

女 + 58wei3 wei1 appoint, send, commissionwai1 wai2 --

子 + 36zi4 letter, character, wordji6 --

子 + 47fu2 fu1 brood over eggs; have confidencefu1 --

子 + 1316xue2 learning, knowledge; schoolhok6 --

宀 + 58zong1 lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clanjung1 --

宀 + 58ding4 decide, settle, fixding6 --

宀 + 710jia1 jie5 gu1 house, home, residence; familyga1 --

宀 + 912fu4 abundant, ample; rich, wealthyfu3 --

寸 + 36si4 court, office; temple, monasteryji6 --

小 + 58shang4 chang2 still, yet; even; fairly, ratherseung6 --

尢 + 912jiu4 just; come/go to, approach, nearjau6 --

己 + 03ji3 self, oneself; personal, privategei2 --

己 + 03yi3 already; finished; stopyi5 --

巾 + 25shi4 market, fair; city, town; tradesi5 --

巾 + 69di4 supreme ruler, emperor; goddai3 --

巾 + 811chang2 common, normal, frequent, regularseung4 --

干 + 58xing4 luck(ily), favor, fortunatelyhang6 --

广 + 58dian4 shop, store; inn, hoteldim3 --

彳 + 69hen3 very, quite, muchhan2 --

彳 + 811de2 de5 dei3 obtain, get, gain, acquiredak1 --

心 + 15bi4 surely, most certainly; mustbit1 --

心 + 48nian4 think of, recall, studynim6 --

心 + 913xiang3 think, speculate, plan, considerseung2 --

心 + 913yi4 thought, idea, opinion; thinkyi3 --

心 + 1014tai4 manner, bearing, attitudetaai3 --

戈 + 36cheng2 completed, finished, fixedsing4 --

戶 + 48suo3 place, location; numerary adjunctso2 --

文 + 04wen2 wen4 literature, culture, writingman4 --

斤 + 812si1 this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particlesi1 --

斤 + 913xin1 new, recent, fresh, modernsan1 --

方 + 04fang1 feng1 pang2 wang3 square; rectangle; region, localfong1 --

日 + 26zao3 early; soon; morningjou2 --

日 + 48yi4 change; easyyi6 yik6 --

日 + 59shi4 indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, thatsi6 --

日 + 610shi2 time, season; era, age, periodsi4 --

曰 + 37geng4 geng1 more, still further, much moregang1 gang3 --

曰 + 812zui4 most, extremely, exceedinglyjeui3 --

曰 + 913hui4 kuai4 gui4 assemble, meet together; meetingwui2 wui4 wui6 --

月 + 26you3 you4 have, own, possess; existyau5 yau6 --

月 + 48fu2 fu4 bi4 clothes; wear, dressfuk6 --

月 + 812qi2 qi1 ji1 period of time; date; time limitkei4 --

木 + 15wei4 not yetmei6 --

木 + 15mo4 final, last, end; insignificantmut6 --

木 + 48dong1 east, eastern, eastwarddung1 --

木 + 48guo3 ke4 luo3 wo3 fruit; resultgwo2 --

木 + 1317dang3 dang4 shelf; frame, crosspiecedong2 dong3 --

止 + 26ci3 this, these; in this case, thenchi2 --

毋 + 37mei3 mei4 every, eachmui5 --

氏 + 15min2 people, subjects, citizensman4 --

水 + 58you2 you4 oil, fat, grease, lard; paintsyau4 --

水 + 58fa3 law, rules, regulations, statutefaat3 --

水 + 69huo2 guo1 live, exist, survive; livelywut6 --

水 + 811liang2 liang4 cool, cold; disheartenedleung4 --

水 + 811qing1 qing4 clear, pure, clean; peacefulching1 --

火 + 59wei4 wei2 do, handle, govern, act; bewai4 wai6 --

火 + 812ran2 yes, certainly; pledge, promiseyin4 --

爪 + 59yuan2 lead on to; therefore, thenwun4 yun4 --

玉 + 711li3 reason, logic; managelei5 --

生 + 05sheng1 life, living, lifetime; birthsaang1 sang1 --

用 + 05yong4 use, employ, apply, operate; useyung6 --

田 + 05you2 yao1 cause, reason; fromyau4 --

田 + 49jie4 boundary, limit; domain; societygaai3 --

田 + 813dang1 dang4 bear, accept, undertake; justdong1 --

白 + 16bai3 bo2 mo4 one hundred; numerous, manybaak3 --

白 + 38de5 di2 di4 possessive, adjectival suffixdik1 --

白 + 49huang2 wang3 royal, imperial; ruler, superiorwong4 --

目 + 814shui4 sleep, dozeseui6 --

石 + 05shi2 dan4 stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112sek6 --

立 + 611jing4 finally, after all, at lastging2 --

竹 + 511di4 sequence, number; grade, degreedai6 --

竹 + 612deng3 rank, grade; wait; equal; "etc."dang2 --

糸 + 39ji4 ji3 record, annal, historical accountgei2 gei3 --

网 + 813zui4 crime, sin, vice; evil; hardshipjeui6 --

老 + 06lao3 old, aged; experiencedlou5 --

老 + 48zhe3 zhu1 that which; he who; those whoje2 --

而 + 06er2 and; and then; and yet; butyi4 --

耳 + 814wen2 wen4 hear; smell; make known; newsman4 --

至 + 06zhi4 die2 reach, arrive; extremely, veryji3 --

臼 + 814yu3 yu4 yu2 and; with; to; for; give, grantyu5 --

艮 + 06gen4 gen3 hen2 seventh of eight diagramsgan3 --

艮 + 17liang2 liang3 good, virtuous, respectableleung4 --

色 + 06se4 shai3 color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beautysik1 --

艸 + 610cha2 teacha4 --

艸 + 610cao3 zao4 grass, straw, thatch, herbschou2 --

艸 + 913wan4 ten thousand; innumerablemaan6 --

艸 + 812zhu4 zhuo2 chu2 zhao1 zhao2 zhe5 manifestjeuk3 jyu3 --

行 + 06xing2 hang2 xing4 hang4 heng2 go; walk; move, travel; circulatehaang4 hang4 hang6 hong4 --

衣 + 38biao3 show, express, manifest, displaybiu2 --


襾 + 06xi1 west(ern); westward, occidentsai1 --

襾 + 39yao4 yao1 yao3 necessary, essential; necessityyiu1 yiu3 --

見 + 916qin1 qing4 xin1 relatives, parents; intimatechan1 --

角 + 07jiao3 jue2 gu3 lu4 horn; angle, corner; point; dimegok3 --

貝 + 07bei4 sea shell; money, currencybui3 --

貝 + 411huo4 goods, commodities, productsfo3 --

足 + 07zu2 ju4 foot; attain, satisfy, enoughjuk1 --

身 + 07shen1 yuan2 juan1 body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158san1 --

車 + 815lun2 wheel; revolve, turn; recurleun4 --

辵 + 48jin4 ji4 near, close; approach; intimategan6 --

辵 + 711zhe4 zhei4 yan4 this, the, hereje5 --

辵 + 711tong1 tong4 pass through, common, communicatetung1 --

辵 + 711lian2 lian3 lian4 lan4 join, connect; continuous; evenlin4 --

辵 + 913guo4 guo5 guo1 huo4 pass, pass through, go acrossgwo3 --

辵 + 913dao4 dao3 path, road, street; method, waydou6 --

辵 + 913da2 ta4 ti4 arrive at, reach; intelligentdaat6 --

辵 + 1115shi4 di2 ti4 zhe2 match, comfortable; justsik1 --

里 + 29zhong4 chong2 tong2 heavy, weighty; doublechung4 chung5 jung6 --

金 + 08jin1 jin4 gold; metals in general; moneygam1 --

長 + 08chang2 zhang3 zhang4 long; length; excel in; leadercheung4 jeung2 --

門 + 412kai1 open; initiate, begin, starthoi1 --

門 + 412jian1 jian4 jian3 interval, space; place, betweengaan1 --

青 + 08qing1 jing1 blue, green, black; youngcheng1 ching1 --

非 + 08fei1 fei3 not, negative, non-; opposefei1 --

面 + 09mian4 face; surface; plane; side, dimemin6 --

革 + 09ge2 ji2 ji3 leather, animal hides; rad. 177gaak3 gaap3 --

音 + 09yin1 yin4 sound, tone, pitch, pronunciationyam1 --

食 + 09shi2 si4 yi4 eat; meal; food; radical no. 184sik6 --

首 + 09shou3 head; first; leader, chief; poemsau2 --

香 + 09xiang1 fragrant, sweet smelling, incenseheung1 --

高 + 010gao1 gao4 high, tall; lofty, elevatedgou1 --

黑 + 012hei1 he4 black; dark; evil, sinisterhaak1 hak1 --

黑 + 820dang3 political party, gang, factiondong2 --

丿 + 23jiu3 long time (ago); time passage, grow lategau2 --

丿 + 23yao1 mo5 me5 ma5 mo3 interrogative particle; repetition of a tune small; tendermo1Trad.: 麽

亅 + 78shi4 affair, matter, business; to serve; accident, incidentsi6 --

二 + 24hu4 mutually, reciprocallywu6 --

二 + 58xie1 suo4 sa1 little, few; rather, somewhatse1 --

二 + 68ya4 ya1 asia; seconda3 nga3 --

亠 + 46yi4 also, too; likewiseyik6 --

人 + 24jie4 forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armorgaai3 --

人 + 35fu4 give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrustfu6 --

人 + 35dai4 replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generationdoi6 --

人 + 46jian4 numerary adjunct for article; mattergin6 --

人 + 57ti3 ti1 body; group, class, body, unit; inferiortai2Trad.: 體

人 + 57ni3 you, second person pronounnei5 --

人 + 68li4 precedent, example; regulationlai6 --

人 + 79e2 sudden(ly), soon; Russianngo5 --

人 + 810xiu1 study; repair; cultivatesau1 --

人 + 911zuo4 work, make; actjou6 --

人 + 1113shang1 wound, injury; fall ill fromseung1 --

人 + 1214xiang4 picture, image, figure; resemblejeung6 --

儿 + 46guang1 light, brilliant, shine; onlygwong1 --

儿 + 810dang3 political party, gang, factiondong2Trad.: 黨

入 + 68liang3 liang4 two, both, pair, couple; ounceleung5 --

八 + 68dian3 law, canon; documentation; classdin2 --

刀 + 46xing2 punishment, penalty; lawying4 --

刀 + 57li4 gains, advantage, profit, meritlei6 --

刀 + 68ke4 carve, engrave; quarter hourhaak1 hak1 --

力 + 02li4 power, capability, influencelik6 --

力 + 35gong1 achievement, merit, good resultgung1 --

力 + 35jia1 add to, increase, augmentga1 --

力 + 911dong4 move, happen; movement, actiondung6 --

匕 + 24hua4 hua1 change, convert, reform; -izefa3 --

十 + 13qian1 thousand; many, numerous; verychin1 --

十 + 24sheng1 arise, go up; hoist; advancesing1 --

十 + 24wu3 noon; seventh terrestrial branchng5 --

十 + 35ban4 halfbun3 --

卩 + 46yin4 print, seal, stamp, chop, markyan3 --

卩 + 57ji2 promptly, quickly, immediatelyjik1 --

又 + 68qu3 take, receive, obtain; selectcheui2 --

口 + 25ju4 gou1 sentencegeui3 --

口 + 25zhi3 zhi1 only, just, simplyji2Trad.: 衹

口 + 36hou4 queen, empress, sovereignhau6Trad.: 後

口 + 58zhou1 zhou dynasty; circumferencejau1 --

口 + 1316qi4 receptacle, vessel; instrumenthei3 --

囗 + 36hui2 return, turn around; a timewui4 --

囗 + 1114tu2 diagram; chart, map, picturetou4 --

土 + 47zuo4 sit; seat; ride, travel bycho5 jo6 --

土 + 1114jing4 boundery, frontier; area, regionging2 --

大 + 14tian1 sky, heaven; god, celestialtin1 --

大 + 14tai4 very, too, much; big; extremetaai3 --

女 + 36ru2 if, supposing; as if; like, asyu4 --

女 + 69wei1 pomp, power; powerful; dominatewai1 --

宀 + 47wan2 complete, finish, settle; wholeyun4 --

宀 + 58guan1 official, public servantgun1 --

宀 + 69ke4 guest, traveller; customerhaak3 --

宀 + 69xuan1 declare, announce, proclaimsyun1 --

宀 + 69shi4 room, home, house, chambersat1 --

宀 + 710rong2 looks, appearance; figure, formyung4 --

寸 + 1114dui4 correct, right; facing, opposeddeui3 --

小 + 14shao3 shao4 few, less, inadeqatesiu2 siu3 --

尢 + 14you2 especially, particularlyyau4 --

尸 + 47ju2 bureau, office; circumstanceguk6 --

尸 + 710zhan3 open, unfold; stretch, extendjin2 --

山 + 811chong2 esteem, honor, revere, veneratesung4 --

巛 + 36zhou1 administrative division, statejau1 --

巾 + 25bu4 cotton cloth, textiles, linenbou3 --

干 + 25ping2 flat, level, even; peacefulping4 --

广 + 58fu3 prefecture; prefect; governmentfu2 --

廴 + 69jian4 build, establish, erect, foundgin3 --

弋 + 36shi4 style, system, formula, rulesik1 --

弓 + 47di4 ti4 ti4 young brother; junior; i, medai6 --

彳 + 58wang3 wang4 go, depart; past, formerlywong5 --

心 + 59si1 si4 sai1 think, consider, ponder; final particlesi1 --

心 + 58xing4 nature, character, sexsing3 --

心 + 610xi1 rest, put stop to, end, ceasesik1 --

心 + 811qing2 feeling, sentiment, emotionching4 --

心 + 812e4 wu4 wu1 evil, wicked, bad, foulngok3 ok3 wu1 wu3 --

心 + 913ai4 love, be fond of, likengoi3 oi3 --

戈 + 37wo3 our, us, i, me, my, wengo5 --

戈 + 48huo4 yu4 or, either, else; perhaps, maybewaak6 --

手 + 912ti2 di1 di3 shi2 hold in hand; lift in handtai4 --

支 + 04zhi1 disperse, pay; support; branchji1 --

攴 + 49zheng4 zheng1 government, political affairsjing3 --

日 + 59xing1 star, planet; any point of lightsing1 --

日 + 711wan3 night, evening; latemaan5 --

月 + 711wang4 look at or forward; hope, expectmong6 --

月 + 812zhao1 chao2 zhu1 dynasty; morningchiu4 jiu1 --

木 + 37shu4 bind, control, restrain; balechuk1 --

木 + 48lin2 forest, grove; surnamelam4 --

木 + 59jia4 rack, stand, prop; prop upga2 ga3 --

木 + 59mou3 certain thing or personmau5 --

木 + 59cha2 zha1 investigate, examine, seek intocha4 --

木 + 913ye4 profession, business, tradeyip6 --

止 + 15zheng4 zheng1 right, proper, correctjing3 --

歹 + 26si3 die; dead; deathsei2 --

比 + 04bi3 bi4 pi2 pi3 compare, liken; comparison; thanbei2 --

水 + 04shui3 water, liquid, lotion, juiceseui2 --

水 + 15yong3 long, perpetual, eternal, foreverwing5 --

水 + 36jiang1 large river; yangzi; surnamegong1 --

水 + 47jue2 decide, determine, judgekyut3 --

水 + 47qi4 gai1 yi3 steam, vapor, gashei3 --

水 + 47mei2 mo4 not, have not, none; drown, sinkmut6 --

水 + 58he2 river; stream; yellow riverho4 --

水 + 58zhi4 chi2 yi2 govern, regulate, administerji6 --

水 + 58kuang4 condition, situation; furthermorefong3 --

水 + 58zhu4 zhou4 concentrate, focus, directjyu3 --

水 + 69zhou1 continent; island; isletjau1 --

水 + 69liu2 flow, circulate, drift; classlau4 --

水 + 710hao4 ge2 gao3 great, numerous, vast, abundanthou5 --

水 + 710lang4 lang2 wave; wasteful, recklesslong6 --

水 + 710hai3 sea, ocean; maritimehoi2 --

水 + 710xiao1 vanish, die out; melt awaysiu1 --

水 + 811hun3 hun4 hun2 gun3 kun1 mix, blend, mingle; bumble alongwan6 --

水 + 1114han4 tan1 chinese people; chinese languagehon3 --

水 + 1215chao2 tide; moist, wet, damp; flowchiu4 --

火 + 04huo3 huo1 fire, flame; burn; anger, ragefo2 --

火 + 812wu2 mo2 negative, no, not; lack, have nomou4 --

牛 + 48wu4 thing, substance, creaturemat6 --

犬 + 25fan4 commit crime, violate; criminalfaan6 --

玉 + 711xian4 appear, manifest, become visibleyin6 --

甘 + 05gan1 sweetness; sweet, tastygam1 --

甘 + 49shen2 shi2 shen4 great extent; considerablysam6 --

田 + 27nan2 male, man; son; baron; surnamenaam4 --

田 + 712hua4 delineate, painting, picture, drawing; drawwa2 waak6 --

目 + 49xiang1 xiang4 mutual, reciprocal, each otherseung1 --

目 + 49kan4 kan1 look, see; examine, scrutinizehon1 hon3 --

目 + 510zhen1 real, actual, true, genuinejan1 --

目 + 611yan3 wen3 eye; eyelet, hole, openingngaan5 --

矢 + 38zhi1 zhi4 know, perceive, comprehendji1 ji3 --

示 + 05shi4 qi1 zhi4 shi2 show, manifest; demonstratesi6 --

示 + 510shen2 shen1 spirit, god, supernatural beingsan4 --

示 + 1217chan2 shan4 tan2 meditation, contemplation (dhyana); to level ground for altar; abdicatesim3 sin4 sin6 --

禾 + 914zhong3 zhong4 chong2 seed; race; offspring; to plantjung2 jung3 --

穴 + 38kong1 kong4 kong3 empty, hollow, bare, desertedhung1 --

立 + 611zhang1 zhang4 composition; chapter, sectionjeung1 --

立 + 712tong2 zhong1 child, boy, servant boy; virgintung4 --

立 + 1520jing4 contend, vie, competeging3 --

竹 + 410xiao4 smile, laugh, giggle; snickersiu3 --

米 + 814jing1 qing2 jing4 essence; semen; spiritjing1 --

糸 + 410ji2 level, rank, class; gradekap1 --

糸 + 511shao4 chao1 continue, carry on; hand down; to joinsiu6 --

糸 + 511zu3 qu1 class; section, departmentjou2 --

糸 + 612gei3 ji3 xia2 give; by, forkap1 --

糸 + 713jing1 jing4 classic works; pass throughging1 --

老 + 06kao3 examine, test; investigatehaau2 --

耳 + 713sheng4 holy, sacred; sagesing3 --

耳 + 1218zhi2 zhi4 te4 duty, profession; office, postjik1 --

肉 + 47yu4 yo1 produce, give birth to; educateyuk6 --

肉 + 610neng2 be able, can, permitted, abilitynang4 --

舌 + 06she2 gua1 tongue; clapper of bell; rad 135sit6 --

艸 + 48hua1 flower; blossomsfa1 --

艸 + 59ruo4 re3 re2 re4 if, supposing, assuming; similaryeuk6 --

艸 + 59ku3 gu3 bitter; hardship, sufferingfu2 --

艸 + 59ying1 yang1 petal, flower, leaf; brave, heroying1 --

艸 + 812hua2 hua1 hua4 flowery; illustrious; chinesewa4 --

艸 + 1418cang2 zang4 zang1 hide, conceal; hoard, store upchong4 jong6 --

艸 + 1519yao4 yue4 drugs, pharmaceuticals, medicineyeuk6 --

衣 + 712li3 inside, interior, withinleui5 --

言 + 310ji4 record; keep in mind, remembergei3 --

言 + 613shi4 test, try, experimentsi3 --

言 + 613hua4 speech, talk, language; dialectwa2 wa6 --

言 + 714yu3 yu4 language, words; saying, expressyu5 --

言 + 714shuo1 shui4 yue4 tuo1 speak, say, talk; scold, upbraidsyut3 --

言 + 815ke4 lesson; course; classworkfo3 --

言 + 815qing3 qing4 qing1 qing2 ask, request; invite; pleaseching2 --

言 + 815lun4 lun2 debate; discuss; discourseleun6 --

言 + 1219shi4 shi2 zhi4 recognize, understand, knowsik1 --

谷 + 07gu3 yu4 lu4 valley, gorge, ravineguk1 --

豆 + 310qi3 kai3 how? what?hei2 --

豕 + 512xiang4 elephant; ivory; figure, imagejeung6 --

貝 + 29fu4 load, burden; carry, bearfu6 --

貝 + 815shang3 reward, grant, bestow; appreciateseung2 --

赤 + 714he4 xi4 shi4 bright, radiant, glowinghaak1 --

走 + 07zou3 walk, go on foot; run; leavejau2 --

走 + 310qi3 rise, stand up; go up; beginhei2 --

車 + 29jun1 army, military; soldiers, troopsgwan1 --

車 + 613zai4 zai3 dai4 zai1 zi1 load; carry; transport, conveyjoi2 joi3 --

車 + 714qing1 qing4 light; easy, simple; gentlehing1 heng1 --

辵 + 59po4 pai3 coerce, force, compel; urgentbaak1 --


辵 + 610tui4 step back, retreat, withdrawteui3 --

辵 + 711zao4 cao4 cao1 construct, build, begin; preparejou6 --

辵 + 812jin4 advance, make progress, enterjeun3 --

辵 + 913yun4 luck, fortune; ship, transportwan6 --

邑 + 47na4 nei4 na1 na3 ne2 nei3 nuo2 nuo4 that, that one, thosena5 --

邑 + 811bu4 pou3 part, division, sectionbou6 --

邑 + 911du1 dou1 metropolis, capital; all, the whole; elegant, refineddou1 --

酉 + 310jiu3 wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholicjau2 --

里 + 512liang4 liang2 measure, quantity, capacityleung4 leung6 --

金 + 816qian2 jian3 money, currency, coinschin2 chin4 --

金 + 1321tie3 die2 iron; strong, solid, firmtit3 --

門 + 1119guan1 frontier pass; close; relationgwaan1 --

阜 + 710yuan4 courtyard, yard, court; schoolyun2 --

隹 + 412ji2 assemble, collect togetherjaap6 --

雨 + 08yu3 yu4 rain; rainy; radical no. 173yu5 --

雨 + 513dian4 electricity, electric; lightningdin6 --

雨 + 715zhen4 shen1 shake, quake, tremor; excitejan3 --

頁 + 09ye4 xie2 page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181yip6 --

風 + 09feng1 feng3 feng4 wind; air; manners, atmospherefung1 --

鳥 + 011niao3 diao3 dao3 que4 bird; radical no. 196niu5 --

黑 + 517dian3 zhan1 duo4 dot, speck, spot; point, degreedim2 --

龍 + 319pang2 disorderly, messy; huge, bigpong4 --

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